As a mental health clinician, I was overjoyed to join NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and participate in my first NAMI Walk last […]
Anxiety Review
Good morning all! Happy Day! Just a few reminders about the manifestation of anxiety. Please try to stop periodically throughout your day and take […]
Trouble staying fit during COVID-19??
Talking with a friend this morning, I am reminded that some are struggling with being active while being indoors more. Well, guess what!!! I […]
Successful Community Heart Awareness Event!!
Thoroughly enjoyed all who came out this morning to Clayton Community Park to support HELP’s Heart Awareness Walk, CPR Demonstration, and Heart Healthy Breakfast! […]
National Handwashing Awareness
National Handwashing Awareness By Tajuana Lordeus PA-C The first week of December is designated as National Handwashing Awareness Week. As a health care […]