IMG_0456Obesity Factoids…

According to the Center for Disease Control’s website –, here are some astounding facts regarding obesity.

> More than one-third of US adults are obese’
> Annual cost of obesity in the US was $147 billion in 2008’
> Non-Hispanic Blacks have the highest age-adjusted rates of obesity’
> Obesity is higher among middle age adults’

Obesity is defined as body mass index greater than 30. Body mass index (BMI) uses a calculation of the ratio between height and weight.  Normal/healthy BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9.

Obesity or having too much body fat can cause numerous health conditions such as depression, diabetes, hypertension, organ strain and joint problems.

It is imperative for longevity to keep weight at a healthy level.  Life is so much more enjoyable when a person’s weight does not cause fatigue, tiredness, or joint pain.  Additionally, the organs do not have to exert themselves when more strenuous activities are undertaken if our weight is healthy.

There are many ways to obtain a healthy weight.  The best way is to reduce calories by eating a plant-based diet and by exercising daily.

Obtaining a healthy weight may take time depending how much weight loss is desired. It is recommended by most resources that a person does not lose more than 1 -2 pounds per week to achieve a healthy and sustainable rate of weight loss.

Having a buddy system or family support is always a plus when attempting to lose weight. Set realistic goals and make your intentions public so you’ll be more likely to stick to your plans.  If you have set backs, don’t be discouraged, still press on. Achieving fitness/health is a lifelong journey.