Be a person that exudes positivity and optimism! You never know whose life you may be impacting by your kindness, generosity, and pleasant disposition! […]
Musing to ponder….
Reminder: ‘Association brings about assimilation!’ Life hands out enough lemons…to allow negativity to sour it even more…My aunt reminded me of the aforementioned saying […]
Being resilient…
Spending the day learning about being resilience and stress, such needed tools and I’m so excited to share what I learn with others!! Grateful […]
Another client now knows lifesaving skills for emergencies!!! Is it time you learned for your loved ones? Inbox me if you need a class!! […]
Breast Cancer Awareness Month – October
As a woman, we are often so very busy loving others, caring for the needs of others, and worrying about others. It’s imperative that […]